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VMG Ware / Camphouse
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A free and open-source community discussion platform.
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Welcome to the Branding Repository for VMG Ware. This repository contains all the assets for consistent branding.
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VMG Ware / CodeHalt
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCodeHalt is a simple process manager that allows you to manage processes that are running in the background. It is designed to be simple and easy to use. It is also designed to be as lightweight as possible.
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VMG Ware / dynamodb-table-migration-tool
MIT LicenseA C++ utility to automate the creation of DynamoDB tables from JSON files using the AWS CLI.
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Aqurilla is a simple, open-source, and self-hosted social media platform.
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VMG Ware / js-validator
MIT LicenseA versatile and easy-to-use JavaScript validation library for ensuring data integrity with extensive customization options.
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VMG Ware / vATC Suite
Apache License 2.0vATC Suite provides virtual air traffic controllers with tools to generate and deliver essential airport information. Easily create ATIS broadcasts, AWOS weather reports, and pre-departure clearances to enhance realism in online flying networks.
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Insidious Fiddler / Simple-Issue-Tracker
MIT LicenseThis is a Simple Issue Tracker System in PHP. It is a mini-project that manages the issues for some processes, forms, products, or anything that needs to be fixed with another department of the company.
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Rancher v2 setup behind nginx proxy and letsencrypt certificates
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Insidious Fiddler / SquirrelServersManager
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A user friendly, UI/UX focus server & configuration management tool
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Insidious Fiddler / AssemblyWebServer
MIT LicenseThis project is a simple web server written in assembly language for x86_64 architecture.